
Monday, July 16, 2012

Rolled Fabric Flower Tutorial

It is great to team up with others that love to do what you do.
Today, we have a guest blogger.
Amber from KSMonkeys.

She and I have a lot in common!
We are both SAHM.
{Well, hmmm...maybe I have officially moved in
to the WORK-AHM status being that I have
a full fledged business that has taken over my dining room.}
We both love to sew, especially for our kids.
We started to sew boutique clothing because we couldn't afford it.
We both started young.
And we both wanted to share our love of sewing with others.
{Read more about her at the end of the tutorial.}

Today, Amber is going to show you how to make
a simple rolled fabric flower which can easily
be made in to a hair clip or embellishment on clothing.

How to Make a Rolled Fabric Flower Tutorial 

Start off with a strip of fabric 2 inches wide by 18 inches long.
You can make these in a variety of lengths and widths.
For this tutorial I used 2x18 inches.  

Fold your piece of fabric in half length wise on one end .

And then fold again .

Starting at the edge of the fabric roll a tight roll.
I tend to put a small dab of hot glue at the edge
before I start rolling just to give it a bit extra hold.  
Roll your fabric in a tight roll until it is
the approximate width of your finger nail. 
Place a small dab of glue at the end of
your roll to secure the center of your flower.  

Now you will start folding your flower.
Don’t worry about getting each fold perfect you can go wrong with it.
Remember to place a small dab of glue every so often
so that your flower doesn’t unroll.  

Once you get toward the end of the fabric,
turn it over and place hot glue on the bottom
and fold the extra fabric over the bottom.
This will finish the bottom of your flower. 

Now you can place your flower on a clip or headband
and admire your beautiful new hairpiece!
These beautiful rolled flowers also
make beautiful pins for a shirt or jacket.  

To make the headband I simply used an elastic trim from Hobby Lobby,
measured around my daughters head
(I cut mine to be 17” and it fit my 3, 4, and 7 year old)
and hot glued the edges together and then hot glued the rolled flower onto the headband!  

In the picture shows the headband on my 3 year old and my 7 year old.
The headband measures 16 inches around!  

I am a Stay at home mom to 4 wonderful little (getting bigger my the second) girls! Kaylie (7), Savannah (4), Madelyn (3), and Katlyn (9 months). I have been sewing since I was about 7 years old. An older neighbor of my parents would sew baby clothes for charity and I was always at her house helping her cut and sew. I would spend HOURS over there. I instantly feel in love with sewing. I continued to sew throughout my teenage years. Right after high school I joined the Air Force and of course sewing got put on the back burner. In 2005 I had my first daughter, Kaylie. I was still active duty so sewing was far and in between. In 2007, pregnant with our second daughter, Savannah, I was released from active duty and my brain started in overdrive. Having 2 girls and now I was a SAHM I knew we couldn't afford the cute boutique clothing. I starting sewing again in my spare time. It wasn't until I was pregnant with our THIRD daughter, Madelyn that I really starting sewing for the girls. My friends would then ask me to make their daughters dresses or tutus. I then remembers how much I loved to sew! In 2009 I started sewing for all of my friends and family. Of course as I was getting settled my husband, who was also Active Duty, got orders to Minot, ND. So I packed everything up and off to Minot we went! Once we got settled I knew I wanted to sew for not only my girls but all of the moms like me that couldn't afford the "boutique" clothing. Thus KSMonkeys was born. The best part of being able to sew for my girls is when I complete an outfit and, especially Madelyn, comes up to me and say "Oh, mommy its bee-te-ful!" That is all I need and to think all of the little girls who run up to their mommys and say the same thing, just melts my heart. 

Thank you for the fabulous tutorial Amber!
Show some {SIG} love and leave a comment for Amber.

**If you are interested in guest blogging for {SIG},
drop us an email at
signature (dot) creations (at) hotmail (dot) com**

Happy Monday my Peeps!

{SIG}nature Creations

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