
Friday, July 13, 2012

Millie Tote/Purse Giveaway ~ WINNER

I just love the new Rafflecopter!
I don't have to screen shot anymore.
Crop, save, post.

Just with 2 clicks!

If you go back to the original post, HERE,
you can see that the winner is now announced via the widget.

But that isn't good enough for me!
I wanna tell the world.
Or at least, YOU, my blog readers.

It pays to enter.
Lucky number 216 is the winner!
And she just happens to be a sewing compadre!

Jana M...your daughter is going to FLIP OUT.
And see, this is what we call true Southern hospitality.
You are being welcomed to the South with open arms and an awesome tote.

Does it get any better?

Much love to all those that entered!
We will continue with the purse/tote series on Monday.
Key fob anyone?
Be looking for the tutorial!
And a special on the Facebook page.

Oh, and we are looking for blog sponsors.
Drop me an email at
signature dot creations at hotmail dot com
to get the scoop because there are several ways to do it.

I hope you all have a fabulous Friday!
{SIG}nature Creations

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