
Friday, January 27, 2012

{SIG} Workroom Redo

It's been a long time coming.
I have been wanting the Expidit furniture from IKEA
since I saw them in Staci's workroom. 

Reorganizing in my head.

Until I had enough.
I looked at my messy, unorganized workroom and
was going to organize it on Thursday.

Then I thought, "What in the world is the point?"
It is still gonna look a mess.
I'm still not going to be happy.

Just look at it.

A hodge podge of furniture that has been given to me.
No nice storage boxes.
A plastic Rubbermaid cabinet.
An old piece of countertop on 2 sawhorses.
{yes, I'm for real...GHETTO}
Only what I could find here in the house and repurpose.

Enough was enough.
{SIG} finally afforded me the opportunity to buy something for the business.
So I loaded up my triplets yes, crazy & daring and headed to IKEA.

Only to get there and them not have ANY of the 4x4 cube units.
On the fly, I had to think of what to do.
With 3 kids in tow, it made for an interesting outing.

Actually, they did very well.
I can't really complain.
And I was able to come up with an alternative.

I went with a 5x5, attaching a desk.
I also added a 2x2 for sewing students to have their own area.
There is one on the end of each desk.
Eventually, I plan on hanging a drape so you can't see underneath.

The desk on this unit is my actual computer/office desk.
I didn't have one before.
It is much easier to blog & keep my schedule up to date this way.
And I love the quote.
"The expert in anything was once a beginner"

A better view of several of my cubbies.
It is great to be organized!
So inspiring. 

I also bought storage containers.
The big ones were 2 for $9.99.
Can't beat that!
The nice thing is that they fit quite a bit in there.
Makes me a happy camper!

Then I went with a 4x2 with an attached desk.
At the end of the desk is another 2x2.
Originally, I had planned on this being my sewing table.
But I realized if I made this the sewing table, I would be short a space.

It instead became the packing/cutting table.
And I have LOVED cutting my fabric on here.
Plenty of room.
And I even framed the free printable I made & put it in a $2.99 frame from IKEA.
The other framed quote says "The harder you work, the luckier you get."
The piece below was given to me by my dear friend Adrienne.
Again, a drape will eventually be made to block the view underneath.

Don't think I forgot about the sewing machines!
They have their own separate wall now.
I love it.

I added the lamp (purchased from IKEA a few years ago) for extra lighting.
I also purchased the wrought iron dress form from Hobby Lobby on sale for $55.
The perfect place to put the scarves I made!

That is also a $30 clothing rack from Target.
I put anything I am working on or finished there.
It is super handy.
I've also contemplated making a cover for it.

For the cork board, I went to Target.
They had a 4 pack of cork squares for $6.
I only used 2 for behind the sewing machines.
This is where I keep all my orders.

And that's it folks.
The big redo is pretty much finished!
I may add some things here or there.
But that's it.

I will try to feature some of my organizational tips in other posts.
For those of you that are curious, of course.
And PLEASE, feel free to ask any questions!

Just leave a comment and I will devote a blog post to answering them.

Happy Friday my peeps!

{SIG}nature Creations


  1. I love this...You totally deserve a GREAT work space..Great job!!!

  2. Thank you Cathi! This room is now very inspiring. I love it very much :)

  3. Wow! Thank you for inspiring readers who have offices to not lose hope in dealing with a messy workspace! Cheers!
