
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

We are BACK!

We are back after a Christmas vacation hiatus!
There are so many neat things happening this year for {SIG}.
I can't wait to share it with you all.

First, Happy New Year!
2013 is shaping up to be an amazing year here at {SIG}.
The little business is growing quickly.

So much so, that we have once again outgrown our workshop.
So what does that mean?
It means we are going to BUILD a new cottage.

Yep, a real workshop.
One that will give my home back its dining room.
And more space to do more things!

Plans are already underway.
The area will be staked this weekend.
But the preliminary plan is to have it behind the garage.

The new cottage will be 16' x 16'.
This is a little of what we are planning on having in there...
Shelves for storing.
Sewing workbench.
Room to teach.
A product photography area.
A shipping table.
 A front porch.
French doors.
Plenty of windows for natural light.

We are so absolutely excited!
Having this space means that we will have room to grow.
Room to teach & host workshops.

We won't feel cramped.
I cannot wait!
And, best of all, I will be building it with my Daddy.

I will chronicle the building of the cottage.
I know you are going to be curious to see!
We hope that by March, it will be fully functional.

So there you have it.
The first post of 2013.

And I can't write a post without photos.
So for your viewing pleasure,
here are the family pics that the wonderful Candace took.

My sweet, little family.

My gorgeous blue-eyed boy, Ian.

The ever so sweet Gabi.

Always sweet & a bit of sassy, Sofi.

They ARE triplets in every sense of the word.
I love how they love each other.

The hubs & I.

Possibly my favorite photo from this shoot!

And you guessed it, Andrea & I made those beautiful outfits.
If you are wanting some of that gorgeous fabric to be made in
to something for you, be on the lookout on the Facebook Page.

The {SIG} family hopes you all had a wonderful holiday season!
Happy 2013 Peeps!

{SIG}nature Creations

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