
Thursday, August 30, 2012

I have a confession...

The last few weeks have been really hard.
Well, I'm sure you understand coming back from any vacation is hard.

Um, but there is more.
And it involves me working somewhere.
Somewhere other than here.

My home.
My workshop.
My S.P.A.C.E.

It means being supervised by someone other than myself.
It also means being paid.
Reliably paid.

Cuz you HAVE to know that as much as I love to sew and create...


shhhhh...don't tell my husband.

So, this means I have accepted a part-time job at the preschool my kids attend.
Yes, back to teaching.
And I really don't mind although for the past 2 weeks I have been having
major anxiety attacks about how I am suppose to do it all.

I'm still trying to figure it out.
Because let's face it, life goes something like this...

#1 - KIDS...period, end of discussion.
#2 - Family...this includes the hubs and our immediate family.
#3 - Keeping the house from looking like a dump.
#4 - The business...that would be {SIG}.
#5 - Teaching
#6 - Extracurricular activities for the kids
#7 - Extracurricular activities for the hubs & I

Gonna be honest, it is all jumbled up in my head.
I'm drowning.
And that is why you haven't heard from me.

Oh, and not to mention we are trying to eat "cleaner" as a family.
That means less processed, more green/organic, etc.
Another thing to put on the list.

So here I am...overwhelmed.
I know it will get better but if you don't see a post for a few days,
please understand I haven't forgotten.
Trust me, the ideas of posts float in my head while I sleep.

And now I will eat dinner...dinner my hubs has already started on.

Whew...and don't forget to check out the Halloween upload tonight!

{SIG}nature Creations

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