
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Facebook INTEREST GROUPS ~ A solution to our problem???

I am normally a pretty calm, laid back kinda gal.
I don't get on soap boxes very often.
But as you all know, the FB thing really chapped my hide.

I've been brainstorming for days and days.
Tinkering on FB.
Bought the domain name.
Networking with fellow seamstresses/crafters.
Talking to friends.
Learning about SEO or rather getting cofused by SEO.
Reading on optimization of my blog.
Joining daily link parties.

You name it, I'm trying it.
Maybe this is a good thing?
After all, I am learning quite a bit more.

In tinkering on FB, I discovered something.
They are called INTEREST GROUPS.
Well, on the home page, it only says INTERESTS.

Let me explain to you how this impacts us.
You LIKE our page.
You expect our posts to show up in your newsfeed.
But as we all know, FB is using an algorithm to control
what goes in your feed and when.

This means you lose out on good posts.
And let's face it, I don't have the cash flow to pay to promote a post.
You lose, we lose.

This is where the INTERESTS come in to play.
It's a way to organize your LIKED pages.
Let me take you through the process.

First, you have to actually go to the LIKED page.
In this case, I went to J.Marie Designs.
{much love to my Jana...she will be guest blogging soon}
I went to the LIKED button and hovered over it.
A box pops up (as seen in the photo above).
If you don't have any "lists", click on the +NEW LIST.
It will prompt you to create a list.

Once you have a list, click on that one.
I put J.Marie Designs in my Clothing & Crafting list.
A check mark will appear next to that list.

Now, click on HOME which is at the top right of your screen.
Your list of groups, apps, pages, and now INTERESTS 
should be on the left side (see above).
Interests are at the very bottom.
Your newly created list should now show.
Click on your interest group.

This is what you should get!
What ever group you have placed in to that interest group
will show up with their posts in this area.
It is like a separate newsfeed for just your LIKED pages!

I actually kind of like it.
What I don't like is that I know all 2600+ fans
will not create the interest group and categorize {SIG}
but I am hopeful that those of you that really do like 
keeping up with the pages you have liked will do this.

Personally, I think it is a neat idea.
Wish someone on FB would have told us about this option.
And I am wondering if you put too many pages in to one
category if that will cause posts to not show up again.

But, I'll take it.
This is better than before.
There is hope.
Now I just have to continuously post this so our fans see it!

And please...FEEL FREE TO SHARE.
Especially if you are a small business owner that has
used FB as your main selling platform.
We need to ban together and help one another!

How about that?
Happy Thursday my peeps!

PS ~ Don't forget to enter in this week's giveaway for a
gorgeous piece from Sheelin's Attic, click HERE.

{SIG}nature Creations

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