
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Men's Shirt Repurpose ~ Peasant Dress

I gotta tell you, this is something I have been wanting to do for some time.
I finally had a break enough to "play" around.
I looked up some tutorials.

This one at MADE is what caught my eye.
Now, I didn't do it exactly like Dana.
{must admit I love her}

I just took her basic principal and made it my own way.
If you happen to have a peasant dress pattern,
that's all you need.

Just make sure to get either a large or XL men's shirt to do this.
I bought mine at Goodwill for $6.
Then follow your peasant dress pattern instructions.

I will be doing a full tutorial for free,
as a way to use the {SIG} Lily Roo Peasant Dress pattern to make this.
But alas, I must make the pattern first, lol!

But until then, let me give you the rundown
of how I used a peasant dress pattern with the shirt.

All the instructions are in the photos.
Again, this is a quick tutorial and most likely best for an intermediate sewer.
I cross my heart, hope to die, stick a sewing needle in my eye that I will get the full on tutorial up sometime in the next 4 weeks!
{click on the photos for a larger view}

Please forgive me for not snapping a photo of this step.
Fold your cut piece in half & trace the back piece of your pattern
along the fold line & then cut out.
brain fart on the photo

Notice no pics for the elastic waist band.
Don't hate!
That is going to have to be part of the long & detailed tutorial.

Sorry peeps!
I only got so much time before the triplets decide to try and hang each other from the ceiling!

I would LOVE to see you comment w/ a link to a photo!

Chuckin' da duces...
er, the kids are beating each other up while I sit behind the computer

PS ~ Don't forget to enter in the Melbows Place Giveaway!

{SIG}nature Creations

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