I've always loved taking photos.
Something that is in my blood.
My dad use to be a photographing maniac.
And he was pretty good.
It just took me a while to get there.
And a good camera.
And a few reasons to use it.
Those would be my beautiful children.
Secondly, the clothing {SIG} makes.
We all know that photos sell products.
Ya gotta make them look good, right?
Last Christmas I got my Nikon D3000.
Love it.
Adore it.
Then I got an awesome lens for my birthday.
It became a hobby.
Trying to learn how to use it.
I'm still learning.
By no means an expert.
As a matter of fact, I would like to take a class.
I'm a hands on kind of learner.
Can't read and get the concepts.
Much like my sewing was a hobby and now a business,
my photography is branching out the same way.
I've gotten a few paid gigs.
They have been lots of fun!
My style is a bit different.
I'm not really in to the posey-posey stuff.
I have been told I fall in to the photo journalism category.
I like to tell a story.
To capture a moment in time.
I was fortunate enough to have been hired to take photos at McKenzie's
birthday party this weekend and the above photos captured her perfectly.
And while I am at it, I am learning Photoshop hence the 2 versions above.
I much prefer the black and white.
Hunter was such a sweet and curious little boy.
I had plenty of opportunities to snag some beautiful photos.
Again, playing in PS & did an edit.
But that isn't all I like to do.
I really like things off the beaten path.
When my friend Kris hooked me up with a local artist, Solomon Kane,
I was able to photograph these awesome longhorn skulls he painted.
I absolutely LOVE the colors.
I have many, many more.
Just not enough time to share them.
But if you like what you see, check out my new Facebook page.
Have a wonderful Monday!
You are so amazingly talented and we were so lucky to have you shoot the birthday party. Thank you!