
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Problems, problems, problems...

Please forgive the absence.
First, my computer decided to blow up on me.

Like, the one that has everything on it.
All my pattern writing.
All my photos.
All my ideas.


Capute...thank God the hard drive can be recovered.
But it sent me in to a tizzy.
And if that wasn't good enough...

The next day, the AC in our home went out.
If you know anything about Houston,
you know it is sweltering hot here.
Like in the triplet digits for God only knows how many days.
And no AC is no bueno.

I packed up the kids for their first overnight trip
and headed to Huntsville for the week.


a little complicated, huh?

Now I am back.
The blog will be updated starting tomorrow.
We've got a cute giveaway from Melbows Place.
You are going to LOVE these bows.
They are fabulous.

Like better than the best.
My girls wear them.
Love them.

And they are perfect for any outfit.

So be ready...
it will happen tomorrow!
It's good to be back!!!
{SIG}nature Creations

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