
Monday, May 3, 2010

Ruffle Pant Give Away!

Here we go,
in celebration of my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY,
I am going to give away
a pair of ruffle pants
(you pick the color & size up to 5T).

They are the cutest thing EVER.
Shhhh, don't tell anyone BUT
my son even wanted to try them on.

Here they are in green.
With a matching top, of course.

Aren't they just the cutest ever?

To win, this is what you need to do.

1) Show me some love by leaving a comment
(1 entry)
2) Show me some love on FB & tell everyone about the contest
(1 entry)
3) Show me some love & become a fan on FB (1 entry)
SIGnature Creations on FB
4) Show me some love & get someone to follow the blog
(1 entry)
5) Show me some love on your blog & blog about the contest
(2 entries)

Make sure to post
a separate comment for each one
AND leave a link!

That's 6 entries.
You can do it!
Winner will be announced May 10th!

Remember, you choose the color!


  1. I LOVE the ruffle pants and matching top, they are the absolute cutest.

  2. My Abby would look adorable in these! Astrid, really, when do you find the time and strength!!! Beautiful!

  3. these are so cute! I love the outfit! I'm with Sam, how do you find the time to do all this??? :o)

  4. So cute! Love the whole outfit :)
    You are very talented Astrid!!

  5. Ooooh, ruffle pants are adorable!

    (Nickie--too lazy to try to remember my Google account info)

  6. And here's my entry for sharing the "love" on my Facebook status

    Nickie Cardozo

  7. Oh, and I'm a fan on FB

    Nickie Cardozo

  8. I just posted a link to your blog on FB telling my friends about your giveaway.

    BTW this is Ami S.

  9. Oh and I am already a fan on the FB page so can't become a fan again, although I would if I could. I LOVE all your stuff.

    Oh and I will be taking some picture of L in her Pinafore very soon, didnt get very many when she wore it up in WI on Our trip.

  10. So stinkin' cute! Love them!

  11. Absolutely adorable! I have 5 children 2 of which would look adorable in this outfit! Even if I don't win I'll be finding out where I can buy for my girls!

  12. Ok, so I posted a comment, posted your blog and the contest on my FB, following your blog, and I reallllly love the pants, my GGG triplets would love these! Just another photo op!

  13. I Love Ruffles and so does LILY Kate!! CUTENESS!!

  14. I hope this doesn't show up twice, I'm not a normal commenter :) Love your stuff - just joined on FB!

  15. Love ruffle pants....they are too cute! I think you make the cutest things! :)

  16. Oh my goodness, ruffle pants are ADORABLE! Just when I think you could not possibly come up with anything cuter...;) We had a group of pregnant ladies at the hubby's work going crazy over your tutus at a baby shower last week. Shoot, even some of the single girls said they wanted to buy one just 'cause they are so stinkin' cute!

    (this is Kara, btw...being lazy and anonymous)

  17. Oh and I invited friends individually and in a public post on FB :)

    (lazy Kara again. ;))
