
Monday, May 17, 2010

Needing Donations...get ready crafty people!

Brandi is an amazing woman.
Her husband, just as amazing.
Together, they have endured the
stillbirths of 3 children, &
one early miscarriage.

They are only 26.
What a tender age to experience
something so devastating.
No one deserves to be dealt
that kind of pain.


I'm banning together w/ some other crafters.
We are going to create an Etsy shop
& sell some yummy things
to help offset the cost of the funeral.

Yes, a funeral.
What mother should bury their child.
The 3rd one?

So, if you are crafty & willing to
sew something,
knit something,
crochet something,
hair bow something,
paint something,
or any other "something",
then please contact me.

You don't even need to ship it to me.
Just take pictures that I can use in Etsy.
When someone purchases it,
you ship it directly.

The money will go directly to Brandi & David,
for Evan's funeral.

My heart aches for them.
God Bless you all!

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