
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Scrappy Scarves

I followed Joy's Hope to a scrappy scarf tutorial that I thought wasn't too difficult & after discussing it w/ my friend Andrea (she attempted making it first), I went for it.
I had plenty of flannel fabric left over from a nap mat I intended to make.
I actually didn't have to purchase anything for these!

I made one for David's daughter, Kathryn.
She absolutely loved it.

I still had plenty of flannel left over.
So, I paired up the fabric & made the girls each one.
(The 2 on the left & the 2 on the right.)

They are different b/c I don't want them to have identicals.
It will probably bite me in the butt later.
But until then, I hope they enjoy them.
For a very long time to come!

I embroidered their names on them.
That's another one that will bite me in the butt.
Gabi will want Sofi's or vice versa.

Can't say that I'll be selling these.
The time put in was pretty significant.

PS ~ Like the photography?
Yeah, that's my new camera for you.
Nikon D3000 BABY!

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