
Thursday, January 27, 2011

So busy I can't see straight!

Ok, let me just say this...

Never in a million years did I think I would have more than a couple of customers.
A few, friends, maybe friends of friends.

But O.M.G.
I'm drowning in orders!
Not complaining.
Not at all.

This vision is slowly coming together.
I've got my team.
It's building.
It's awesome!

But I need some time to sew!
And I've been sewing like a mad woman.
No joke.
It's a full time job.
That's why the blog isn't updated more often.
I can't even get a tutorial finished, much less started, lol!

I thought there were 48 hrs in a day.
I'm being shorted by HALF!

So, as much as I hate to say this, I have to stop taking orders.
I have over 50 items (clothing) to create.
Yes, that's FIVE-ZERO.
I'm still in shock!

I have a feeling a few days off of Facebook,
and a few days of good sewing & I'll be able to take orders again.
I just need to clear about 15 of them before I do.

BUT, don't fret, if you need a Valentine's applique shirt,
I can still take your order.
OR, if you need a beautiful bow,
{SIG} can accommodate!

Hang tight!
I promise to open up shop again!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Team {SIG} Continues to Grow!

Because there are so many amazing women out there.
And I love their stuff!
And b/c although I would love to make it,
that time issue is still a problem.

Shelley (Miss Beanies n More) crochets.
She's awesome.
She has just started to sell her hats.
And they are worth every penny.

Trust me, I have 4.
They are the softest ever!
I love them so much, I am going to have her make one or 2 for me.
Check out her Facebook page Miss Beanies n More.

And then there is the hair bow GODDESS.
That woman makes some fabulous girlie bows!
And her korkers, fugetaboutit!
They are the fullest around.

The best part?
She is soooooo affordable!
She is great to work with.
Easy to talk to.
Takes custom orders.
And will be making bows for all my collections!

Check her Facebook page out, Melbows Place.

Welcome to Team {SIG}!!!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Adding to Team {SIG}

Let's face it.
I can't do it all.
I'd like to but then there would have to be 48 hrs in a day.
And that just ain't gonna happen.
No way. No how.

Then what?
Logically, add to the team!
I've been trying to get Andrea on board for some time.
It finally happened.
I just had to bribe her a bit.

A wee little bit.

But it will be worth it in the end.
Andrea is a wonderful friend & a fellow SAH mommy.
She also dabbles in sewing.
Pays attention to details.
And is an overall great person!

She is learning patterns & I hope to get her to write a little sh-peel for the blog.

That's not all.
I've also teamed up w/ Lily Lou Designs.
Another great SAH mom, Staci, does all types of applique items.
She is another that pays attention to details.
Her work is immaculate.
I've been testing it here at home.

Miss Gabi is wearing 1 of several outfits in the new Dandy Damask Collection.
The shirt is made by Staci!

Miss Sofi is proudly wearing her Dandy outfit.
Shirt made by Staci.
She's good, isn't she?

I will still design appliques & lay out the fabric.
The rest is up to Staci.
It is exciting to grow & move forward.

Andrea & Staci are going to allow me to work on new designs.
To make up tutorials.
They are going to give me a little room to breathe.
To focus & to spend some time on family.

I am soooo excited about it!
I hope you are too.


Friday, January 14, 2011

It is the details that count!

I'm a detail kind of gal.
It's my thang.
I'm pretty close to OCD about it.
Especially when it comes to the things I sew for others.

I hate loose threads.
It's my pet peeve.
I've always got the skizors (read it the way I spelled it & welcome to my weird world) handy & am snipping away.
Ask the peeps that have witnessed me sewing.
I swear. OCD.

But there are so many other things I pay attention to.
Elastic bands.
Top stitching (another of my pet peeves...unfinished top stitching).

I want you guys to see the differences between stuff that doesn't get paid attention to.
And, the stuff that does.
It makes the difference.

I may not be the bestest sewer in the world.
Nor do I call myself a seamstress by any stretch of the imagination.
I'm just a mom to triplets that enjoys quality items for a reasonable price.

I have unfortunately come across the not so quality items.
I've even made a few myself.
I look back at some of the firsts I've made for the kids.
Not so much in the detail department.

Amazing how far I have come in a year.
Actually longer cuz I've been sewing since I was a kid but not at this level.
And honestly, it's those little details that count to me.
It makes the difference.

I'm going to be taking pics so you can see what I'm talking about.
For those that want to learn more & for those that want to know the difference.
So, be checking back to learn a few things!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tutus & Sneakers Photo Contest

I am sponsoring a photo contest over at Tutus & Sneakers.
It is an easy photo contest.
Just follow the rules & submit a photo.

Trish is a wonderful SAHM that loves photography.
While you are there, check out her excellent tips on photo editing.
I'm going to be going to back to learn a few things myself!

There are 4 weeks of prelims & then the finals.
Enter every time!
And the best part?

If you are mom of girls, you will win a bow package.
Mom of boys, you get a tie shirt!

Now, go & enter!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My inspiration comes in threes...

Actually in the form of 3 children.
Sofia, Gabriella, & Ian
(aka Sofi, Gabi, Ianchito)

They are the joy of our lives.
Not just ours, but their grandparents as well.
And they are the soul reason I started sewing again.

It all started w/ crafting diaper cakes once upon a long time ago.
I did it for a couple of friends who were expecting.
If you know anything about having triplets, you know they are not cheap.
Making diaper cakes gave me the opportunity to give my friends something heartfelt.

Then it was time for my kids to turn one.
I wanted them to have special outfits but I didn't want to pay $40 x 3 to get them.
I went to Hobby Lobby & picked out tulle to match our theme.
Then I found some bling for shirts.

And I created their b-day outfits.

Including a shirt for Ian.
Not the most original but it worked.
It also started the creative juices.

My friend, MK, was hooked on the tutus.
I made her every color under the sun,
giving me an opportunity to practice.
I added hair bows to the mix.

And then I got my sewing machine out,
to do a "Scarf Along" hosted by Joy's Hope.
Christmas 2009 brought many scarves, of all kinds.
To my family & to new customers.
I was so excited!

Then Santa brought me a nice machine.
The Brother Innovis 1200, used but in great condition!

That is when the serious sewing began.
The pinafore was my first project.
Then pants & twirly skirts.
Pillowcase dresses.
Peasant dresses in all sleeve choices.
A new pant pattern for boys.
Bubble dresses.
Knot dresses.
Apron knot dresses.
Ruffle pants.

The list could go.on.for.ever.
I love every minute of it.
I love the challenge of new fabric & new patterns.
It fits my ADD personality just fine b/c it is really hard to get bored!

I'm always looking for someone to challenge me.
To push me out of my comfort zone.
It's how I function.

And let's not forget my inspirations...
They were the cause, the reason, & will be for the rest of my life.
But most importantly, when it comes to business,
my items are meant to be affordable.
I'm a mom of triplets.
Nothing is EVER cheap.
(M.o.M.s receive a 10% when ordering for their multiples)

I think you will find that my prices are as low,
if not lower,
than most comparable items on Etsy.
And although I hate to toot my own horn,
I have found that my items tend to be of better quality.
Details, details, important to me!

Ok, I think I have talked your ear off.
Thanks for reading!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Logo History & New Look!

It's been too long, or so I think.
The honest truth is that Thanksgiving & Christmas exploded in my face.
I had NO IDEA I would be that busy.
Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful but WOW...I was slammed.

On top of that, I did 3 craft shows back to back to back.
It was hard.
But I have learned.
And now I am back.

This time, I'm not only going to be featuring my sale items,
I am going to be doing tutorials (prepping for some patterns I want to make/sell).
I am going to be writing about the ins & outs of being a work at home mom.
About how creative juices flow, etc.
And anything else that comes across my mind through my fingers.

First things first...the new logo.
I have struggled for a long time w/ my logo.
The 1st one was graciously done by an online friend when I first started doing just tutus & diaper cakes.

The only problem w/ the above logo is that I really don't do diaper cakes anymore & although I really like it & will always hold it near to my heart, I needed a fresh look, something more "me".

Then Miss Tiffany did the 2nd one.
I was digging the owls.
Really...even the font, etc.
But owls are very popular.
And I'm not a popular, trend following kind of gal.

(go figure, i do children's clothing, hehe...trendy, it all)

And I must thank Tiffany profusely for putting up w/ my indecisive mood while she was designing.
What a patient gal!

But the truth is, I knew I wanted to design my own.
Have something that meant the whole world to me.
Something I looked at & would remind me of the 4 reasons I wake up every morning.
My husband & my 3 kids.

So, I began to let the wheels turn in my rusty head.
And then it came to me.
I'm a tattoo kind of gal.
I have a few, not too many.

(eh-hem...5, really...that's it)
And I know what I want to get for my kids.

I figure, if it is good enough to be inked on my skin,
then it is good enough to be my logo.

And what is that exactly?
The trinity sign in a circle.

Because Todd & I went on our 1st official date to see P.O.D.
And while I'm not the best Christian in the whole world, this band spoke to both of us.
We cherish every concert we have gone to.
Every CD they have released & they are our BAND.

Our favorite song, for your viewing pleasure & to get to know me a bit better.

If you clicked on the link to P.O.D. then you saw the design in their O.
Funny how almost 10 years ago, Todd & I started dating, our favorite band was P.O.D. and their symbol is/was the trinity sign which stands for the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit...3.
And if you know me, you know we have triplets.

Do you think this was foreshadowing?
I sure do.
That's why I embraced the trinity as my new logo.
It is obvious that we were meant to have triplets.
That 3 would forever be our number.
(i could go on & on about how many more times "3" is present in our lives but i'll spare you, lol)

I opened up Photoshop & went to work w/ the vision unraveling in front of my very own eyes.
The font is Rough Typewriter, totally my style.
The trinity in the circle has been done to look like a sketch, another very "me" thing.
The brackets around SIG have been put there to emphasize the letters which stand for my 3 children.

Sofi, Ian, Gabi

The new banner.

My short tag & what I'll end up using most of the time.

And that is how it came together.
Finally, something near & dear to my heart.
I see it & know it was meant to be mine.
Symbolizing all that I love.
Including the love I put in to the clothes & accessories I make.

So, there you go...a bit of history & a new look.
