
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Learning the ropes...

That's what I'm doing.
This is my 1st year delving in to children's clothing.
Not that I wasn't around last year cuz I was.

It's just this year, I have a much larger demand for products.
I NEVER in a million years would have thought that so many would want something from me.
And I am eternally grateful for the business.
But I have to learn how to manage time better!

Ok, part of that is the fact that I have 2.5 yr old triplets.
And the other part is that I haven't worked retail sales since high school.
(Yep, I worked at Gap Kids & Christmas is CRAZY.)

I've learned quite a bit.
Things I will implement in the coming year.
For now, I'm hanging by a thread.
Hehe...figuratively & literally.

Oh, did I mention the 3 craft fairs I'm doing? CRAZY!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Too much to blog about, not enough time!

Halloween has really done a number on me this year.
I didn't expect to be so busy.
Never in my wildest dreams.

So, when I had to shut down order taking,
little did I know that wouldn't stop the request.
And me being me, I accommodated them.

I'm learning but being a new business owner isn't always easy.
I hate to say no.

Lessons are being learned.
Next year will be a little different but in a good way.
For now, I'll play catch up.

But before I can get too far ahead,
my beloved machine must go in for a badly needed tune up.
Poor baby girl is stressin' & the last thing I need is for her to break in the middle of a huge project.

The solution?
Serger & old Singer machines will do the job for now.
Luckily they have a rush process.
Of course, for a little extra.
But well worth getting it back in 3 days rather than 2 weeks.

Lemme show you something I've been stressin' about.
My kids picture outfits.
Managed to get them done.
Now I have 1 more set to go.

And if that wasn't enough,
I decided I needed to learn something new.
How to make fabric flower headbands.
And it took me a couple of hours to get it right.
BUT, I am happy w/ the results.

You'll see everything above for sale.
Or even a free tutorial, when I find more time.
So be looking to come back for more!